Friday, February 6, 2009

What are you eating?

How many times have you went on a diet only to become frustrated and angry with the long term results? Maybe it is time to change the way you think about the problem. I would like to suggest - instead of looking to cut back on the time of day you eat, where you eat, or how much you eat... maybe instead, let us focus on WHAT you eat.
I invite you to take a few weeks to eat as much as you want, anytime you want, anywhere you want... with only one rule: 85% of the time - eat food that has less than three ingredients. Vegetables, fruits, nuts & seeds. Drink water (add some lemon to it! for a spicy drink). Not only will you feel better for going toward a healthy lifestyle, you will be full...of good food, so you will be able to satisfy your hunger every time. Buy carrots, almonds, yogurt raisins, granola (can have more than 3 ingredients if all the ingredients are good for you) - for snacks!