Friday, October 9, 2009

Small set back leads to forward movement

I out-ran my treadmill...about 3 weeks ago. It is amazing how one shift in the schedule can really put a stick in your spokes! Not only did I stop running, because (my excuse) I only like to run on my treadmill. HEY, I have an inner ear issue and looking down while running outdoors (so as not to run in a pothole and twist an ankle) makes me dizzy! What? Yes, well...we all have our issues don't we? It is what it is.
So, back to my treadmill. After it broke, I quickly reverted back to my old slower paced lifestyle, added a few cooked meals in my diet, ate a few cookies (eeww...did I just admit that?) and promptly - caught a cold. First one I have had in a long time.
Thankfully, my husband diligently searched for a new Treadmill. Which, I must point out...I received this awesome creature tonight and it is BEYOND what I was expecting. It is beautiful. I could blame it on his amazing skills at finding great buys - but no - this was more about people being in your path at the right time. A kind of...serendipity. I have every reason to believe that the person who offered the sale of this beautiful treadmill will have goodness and good energy coming his way today and many days to come. Do I sound like I'm in love with my treadmill??? ~haha~ Well you guessed it...I think it was love at first sight!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Circle of Influence

Who is your circle of influence?
If you want to make changes in your life to benefit yourself and those closest to's important to look at those people who spend the better part of a day with you.
This is a known: Influence is inevitable simply by your being there.
This changes/alters your behavior if only one other person is in your presence.
Who is an influence in your life?

It also can change/alter another person's behavior just by being in their presence.
How do you use that influence? Responsibly?
Make it a plan to spread goodness.... to those around you.
Surround yourself with what you want. Be it...books, people, lifestyle, sounds, smells, etc.... all play a part in influencing you.
Be aware of influence.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Goals & Challenges

I wouldn't call myself a couch potato. I mean, I'm fairly active - I might be considered a french fry. ~grin. I am not so active as to volunteer to jog for pleasure (what?) or go on long hikes. It hasn't really been my thing. My thing has always been more mental health and nutritional health. This new move into muscular health is much needed.

One great hypnosis session and I was motivated to wallow in the depths of my closet to find some workout clothes (bought years ago with good intentions).

My new goal: a 10k or half marathon.

~The people who know me are still having a hard time fitting the word 'running' with my name.~

After some great advice - I traveled to the local Fleet Feet, had them assess my feet, recommend a shoe, and some moisture wicking socks. (Extra expense spent on good shoes saves money later with less injuries)

I started looking for books that would be in line with my goals of getting fit. The lastest educational book find is: The thrive diet. Great for people who want to exercise and eat the right things to have maximum recovery.

Also, I was clued into a wonderful training schedule (even for the couch potato) at I printed off a copy of it and posted it in my kitchen. I'm marking off the days as I do them.

This all began June 1st.

My report: I have a new favorite smoothie straight from the Thrive Diet book. Lemon juice, blueberries, ground flax, and ingredients that create a refreshing lemonade feel. Yummy!

Also, if I add sprouted or soaked nuts, grains, or seeds to my morning smoothie it really boosts my energy for the day!

It's been three weeks. I look better, I feel great, I haven't missed a day of training, and...I have lost 8 lbs.

I will keep you posted on how LONG my motivation lasts.

One more step toward practicing what I preach.

Hypnosis...changes lives.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


What a great word.
Definition: Self-confident, goal-oriented, and well-balanced.
If you take a moment and...slowly...breathe out frustration...all the way out and then slowly
breathe in... self-confidence.
It is like breathing in good energy, can you feel it?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

What are you afraid of?

I LOVE hypnosis, have I said that lately? I love it for myself and I love it for others.
Hands works!
I love it.

My latest thrill... helping people with their fear of Hot Air Balloons. I live in one of the most beautiful areas in the world and this valley has a love for Hot Air Balloons and early morning rides. If it is something you would love to do, but are fearful... look no further than Hypnosis! Your next stop: Rising up and catching a current...don't forget to bring your camera.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Are your gates opened?!

I thought I would share this with you because it is so interesting and it is, I believe, the reason that hypnosis is so effective with pain. What I am talking about is something called the Gate Theory of Pain. When humans feel pain, it is because nerves send signals through the nervous system, through the spinal cord, to the brain. Once these signals make it to the brain, we feel pain. It is believed that there are certain gates that can be opened or closed with our thoughts. Anxiety, depression and stress can keep these gates open. Having positive thoughts, being calm and relaxed can close these pain gates, helping to reduce discomfort. Hypnosis is awesome at helping a person remain calm in stressful situations, helping a person maintain that positive outlook and relaxing right into...closing the pain gates.

Hypnosis works to alleviate pain secondary to: Back Strain, IBS, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Migraines & Headaches, Rheumatoid arthritis, Spinal cord injuries, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Nerve injuries, Cancer/Chemo, and numerous other conditions.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

What are you eating?

How many times have you went on a diet only to become frustrated and angry with the long term results? Maybe it is time to change the way you think about the problem. I would like to suggest - instead of looking to cut back on the time of day you eat, where you eat, or how much you eat... maybe instead, let us focus on WHAT you eat.
I invite you to take a few weeks to eat as much as you want, anytime you want, anywhere you want... with only one rule: 85% of the time - eat food that has less than three ingredients. Vegetables, fruits, nuts & seeds. Drink water (add some lemon to it! for a spicy drink). Not only will you feel better for going toward a healthy lifestyle, you will be full...of good food, so you will be able to satisfy your hunger every time. Buy carrots, almonds, yogurt raisins, granola (can have more than 3 ingredients if all the ingredients are good for you) - for snacks!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Let us make Solutions

To start off this new year...
let us look at how we treat a (re)solution.
This year, let us change the wording. If you consider the fact that we have spent years sticking (and unsticking) to new year's resolutions... you will notice a trend. It is practically inferred that resolutions do not work...because people make them year after year - the same resolutions, with a history of failure. Is it any wonder that we have fallen off the resolution wagon by February (or maybe even earlier...dare I say January 6th)? After failure time and time again, year after year - how can we convince ourselves that this year will be different? I have to think that "to stick" implies that it can be unstuck. Maybe, we should super glue it?
Better yet, let us solve it (whatever "it" is).
Let us take a moment to reflect... and ask ourselves; What is the reason we have the issue that we have?
Our thoughts can change our reality. Pay particular attention to the thoughts that surround 'the issue' that we have. If we have a habit of saying, to ourselves or others, "I always smoke after I eat." change that to "I never smoke after I eat." or maybe it is, "I have a weakness for chocolate." we can change that to, "I only like chocolate occasionally."
I realize it is easier through hypnosis to change these behaviors, however...we can make serious progress by becoming self aware. By telling ourselves how we wish we behaved, acting as if our desired behavior is already so, can help us change our behavior. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Happy New Year!