Sunday, August 24, 2008

Be good to your body - make a goal.

Making a goal is a great way to boost motivation and start moving forward. If you are in a rut, ask yourself if you have made any goals lately(?).

Wait... don't read further - have you asked yourself about your goals??

>tapping foot, waiting for your answer<

uh huh... you have no goals, do you? I thought not!

It is easy to get sucked into the pitty party of your life but don't stop there. Be self-aware enough to realize what has put you into your personal situation.
So, dust off your old vision board or hang a new one up. Make a list of goals... ones for right now and ones you would like to reach in the future.

My current goal is Half Dome. A few of my friends accomplished it and I have been kicking myself for not joining in the fun. Better late than never though... so I will be going to the TOP in September.
UPDATE: It was brutal. haha
We ended up hiking right up to the base of half-dome. The clouds swirled in (it was originally a 75 degree day) and out of the blue came bolts of lightning and rain. I was tired and it didn't take much for me to look at that 'as a sign' to turn back.
I hope to try it again sometime.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The key to lasting change

Areas where hypnotherapy has helped someone - this month...
Self-Confidence, Motivation, Self-Image, Stress, Anger, Frustration, Worry, Guilt, Forgiveness, Anxiety, Assertiveness, Change Habits, Exam Anxiety, Relationship enhancement, Performance Anxiety, Perfectionism, Lack of Initiative, Self-Expression, Fears, Phobias, Insomnia, Pain Management, Assist Healing, Sexual Problems, Relaxation, Bed Wetting, Inhibition, Fear of Flying, Self-Defeating behaviors, Self-Criticism, Self-Awareness, Aggression, Self-Esteem, Lack of Direction, Exercise, Fear of Failure, Self-Hypnosis, Relaxation, Breathing, and my favorite... the finding of misplaced keys.
We all have something we would like to work on. What would you like to change in your life?