I was reading this article today and I hope all of you write to the FDA about it.
In one part of the article is reads "'Based on these findings, there is no need for consumers to alter their purchasing and eating habits,' Brackett said. 'They and their children can safely enjoy food products containing these food colors'."
I believe WE ALL know that chemical food colors are NOT good for our children or ourselves. Their blatant disregard and lying about the safety of these food colors SMACKS of the cigarette companies saying Nicotine is not addictive. You know and I know...and everyone else knows - it can't be good for you. The problem isn't in the knowledge of it - the problem is in human behavior. They should do society a favor. They should do the right thing. BAN artificial colors (and while their at it, BAN artificial flavors as well!).Big business doesn't really help a person sleep at night - However, I suppose they all justifying by having so many departments that they can blame the next guy. Who's in charge there? LOL
I encourage anyone who cares about what they are eating (yes, YOU) or what they are giving to their children (yes, YOU AGAIN >grin<) - write to the FDA and tell them that it should be banned for the safety of those who do not have the strength of mind to avoid it (ME, YOU, and EVERYONE in between, it is a hard thing to avoid!)!!
As a side note, there are all natural food colorings that they could use.
The FDA comment link:
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