Saturday, June 21, 2008

Lemonade for a hot day!

I do not know what the temperature is in your neck of the woods - but over here in North Cali. it is 104 degrees on my deck! So.... I thought I would share with you a great drink for those hot days as well as a great way to get rid of nasty toxins in your body (so drink these on the not so hot days as well!).

Juice one lemon (in Juicer)
A squeeze of raw honey
Water to taste.

Other things I like to throw in the juicer with the lemon (pick one or use any combination - heck...use them all for added benefit!):

a slim slice of ginger
a carton of raspberries
an entire cantalope (peeled)
slices of watermelon (peeled)
a carton of blueberries

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