Here is a great addition to my day. I thank myself every time I make it!
1 bunch of Kale - wash, cut, and spin in a salad spinner. Have ready in the refrigerator at all times for a healthy drink!!
In a Vita-mix:One big handful of chopped Kale (the flowery nature of this plant - one big handful should take up about 3/4 of your blender) One handful of chopped spinach (lays on top of the Kale like it is barely there) One ripe banana,
1 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup apple juice (or my favorite; in a separate container I mix up a frozen Dole juice (Orange, peach, mango) and use 1/2 cup of this juice instead - it really cuts the green taste - great for beginners) BLEND until you no longer see dark green flakes. ADD WATER AS NEEDED if you want it to be thin and watery.
If you have a smaller blender - just place the Kale and spinach in first with 1/2 cup water and blend. Blend again (about two 8 oz glasses) Just note - the reason I use Apple or Dole juice is because…getting healthy doesn’t mean we should completely deprive ourselves of good taste. After being on the SAD (standard American Diet) for so long 'good taste' has been altered. We need to slowly alter our taste buds to enjoy the vegetables that no longer taste good to us. This process (of altering taste buds) usually takes about 3 weeks of eating/drinking the food we would prefer to like (such as veggies and vegetable drinks). By using juices when we first start out on this healthy journey, we increase our chances of making this smoothie again tomorrow and again the next day. Let us plan to succeed. Making changes that will promote more good changes tomorrow. Also, a good note: I rinse my blender immediately with hot water. I place my blender in the dishwasher ever now and then, but all it really needs is a good rinse in hot water so it will be clean and ready to use again later. If I do not rinse immediately - then my blender sits next to the sink dirty or in the dishwasher waiting for the next load. What a waste - when I might want another smoothie later in the day. Making things easy for myself has increased my chances of doing it again!
If you have a smaller blender - just place the Kale and spinach in first with 1/2 cup water and blend. Blend again (about two 8 oz glasses) Just note - the reason I use Apple or Dole juice is because…getting healthy doesn’t mean we should completely deprive ourselves of good taste. After being on the SAD (standard American Diet) for so long 'good taste' has been altered. We need to slowly alter our taste buds to enjoy the vegetables that no longer taste good to us. This process (of altering taste buds) usually takes about 3 weeks of eating/drinking the food we would prefer to like (such as veggies and vegetable drinks). By using juices when we first start out on this healthy journey, we increase our chances of making this smoothie again tomorrow and again the next day. Let us plan to succeed. Making changes that will promote more good changes tomorrow. Also, a good note: I rinse my blender immediately with hot water. I place my blender in the dishwasher ever now and then, but all it really needs is a good rinse in hot water so it will be clean and ready to use again later. If I do not rinse immediately - then my blender sits next to the sink dirty or in the dishwasher waiting for the next load. What a waste - when I might want another smoothie later in the day. Making things easy for myself has increased my chances of doing it again!
If you need more nutrition information on kale - try this link: http://health.learninginfo.org/nutrition-facts/kale.htm
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