Thursday, July 31, 2008

Interesting, even if hard to grasp!

I was watching a seminar today and came across a bit of interesting information. Needed information - for I was frustrated with the behavior of someone that I know. What this lady said in this seminar was this: ALL behavior comes from good intentions. What? I was like... that is rediculous, how can that be? But, the more I roll it around and think about it - it does make sense. People do things that solve something for themselves. From the nicest kind gesture to that of a terrorist. So, when I look back on the behavior of this person who is behaving badly - it is good to remember that what they are doing is solving something for themselves. My question now is: What? What are they solving? When I say solving... it may be a bit more in depth like 'it releaves a need in them'. From their own paradigm - a need to escape, a need to be noticed, wanted, loved, or a belief they have. It is all very interesting and it makes me understand other people better (even if I do not agree with them).

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